National hotline for those fleeing the war - 02/9055555; +380 322465075
If you are in Ukraine and need to evacuate, you can seek assistance in Bulgaria by calling +359 2 948 24 04, by emailing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at or by filling in the form on the Bulgarian portal for people suffering from the war in Ukraine.
Citizens of Ukraine do not need visas to enter Bulgaria.
After the outbreak of the war, Ukranian citizens can enter Bulgaria even without an international passport with biometric data. Alternatively, they can present any of the following documents: an older passport without biometric data; an ID card; a driver's license; a birth certificate (for children up to 14); other official documents such as certificates, passes, diplomas, membership cards, bank cards, employment papers, ownership documents, etc. For those who do not have any document, a check is carried out by the Border Police.
!A temporary protection document is obtained at the border with Romania.
Entry by car is allowed, regardless of international insurance.
Where you can get a "Registration card of a foreigner granted temporary protection" (MAP).
After 1 year, the temporary protection can be extended. This period may be terminated earlier if the war ends and peace and independence is restored in Ukraine. More about the procedure
!The authorities advise citizens from Ukraine to wait for the announcement of the rules for registration in Bulgaria as persons under temporary protection instead of applying for international protection at the territorial units of the State Agency for Refugees (SAR).
Opportunities for temporary free or paid accommodation can be found on this platform, in the Facebook group "Help for Ukrainian Refugees" or HERE
People granted temporary protection have the following rights:
- to stay in Bulgaria;
- work and vocational training;
- accommodation;
- social assistance;
- medical assistance for emergency conditions;
- to return freely to their country of origin.
The emergency number is 112
Medical assistance is provided for emergency conditions.
People from vulnerable groups - children under 18, unaccompanied children, pregnant women, single parents with under-age children, the elderly and people with disabilities, severe health problems, mental disorders, victims of trafficking or who have suffered torture, rape or other serious forms of violence - have the right to full medical care as Bulgarian citizens.
Many hospitals and medical practices have announced that they offer free check-ups for Ukrainian citizens.
Charitable, civil society and non-governmental organisations organise various types of assistance. More information here, here, here and here.
Ukrainians and members of their families who have been granted temporary protection, asylum or international protection in Bulgaria have the right to work in the country without a labour market permit. Persons with refugee or humanitarian status can register as jobseekers with the Labour Office at their permanent or current address.
Free consultations in Ukrainian, Russian, Bulgarian and English - 0800 88 001
Job offers, more job offers
The currency in Bulgaria is the Bulgarian lev.
Banks will introduce a simplified mechanism for opening bank accounts by Ukrainian citizens (further information pending). Even now Ukrainian citizens can use their Visa or MasterCard debit and credit cards within the daily limit set by Ukrainian banks and up to the guarantee limit for the specific card.
Emergency telephone number - 112
(doctor, police, fire department, accident)
For entry to school and kindergarten: Applications must be submitted to the Regional Education Offices (REO). This application is to be filled in and brought to the place.
Children of parents with dual citizenship may be admitted to kindergarten or school without going through the procedures for refugees who have only a Ukrainian passport.
Bulgarian schools are free, as are municipal kindergartens for children up to 6 years.
Telephone number of the Ministry of Education and Science: 0800 16 111
Major Bulgarian mobile operators have special discounts for Ukrainian citizens - including free calls to Ukraine.
Two of the operators also offer cards with free internet.
All requirements for bringing pets from Ukraine into the Republic of Bulgaria (including EU regulations) are temporarily waived. It is only necessary to fill in a notification at the border itself. More information
Information being updated
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ГЕРБ и ДБ заговориха за цял мандат, срещите продължават утре
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Украйна спира транзита на руски газ