Един от лондонските нападатели: "Това е за Аллах!"

OFFNews 04 юни 2017 в 10:38 8830 11

"Това е за Аллах!" Крясъкът дошъл от един от нападателите, преди той да намушка няколко пъти жена в центъра на Лондон.

За случилото се разказа очевидец пред Би Би Си. Алекс бил в едно от близките заведения.

Жертвата била около 20-годишна. Донесли я в пъба, кървяла от врата и устата. Хора се опитали да ѝ помогнат, а пъбът бил затворен.

Впоследствие полицаи казвах на хората да напуснат района, разказва Алекс.

Друг свидетел - Ерик, казва: "Трима мъже скочиха от вана и започнаха да нападат хора на улицата. Докато тичаха между хората викаха: "Това е за Аллах".

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04.06 2017 в 13:30

"Bisher al-Rawi, a long-time friend of Qatada, was also an informant for MI5 and worked as an intermediary between the British intelligence agency and the high-profile imam. “All I did in Britain was try to help with steps necessary to get a meeting between Abu Qatada and MI5. I was trying to bring them together. MI5 would give me messages to take to Abu Qatada, and Abu Qatada would give me messages to take back to them.” Al-Rawi’s association with MI5 was later admitted in court papers.
Qatada would later claim that shortly after 9/11 MI5 offered him a passport, an Iranian visa, and an opportunity to escape to Afghanistan. He said he turned down the offer because he did not trust the intelligence agency not to hand him over to the Jordanians, the Egyptians, or the Saudis."




04.06 2017 в 13:29

Тези атентатори и те ли са познати на службите? Понеже Ми5 са много гъсти с доста ислямисти, и през годините дадоха убежища на най-върлите "терористи"...

"Imam Abu Qatada—the “alleged spiritual leader of the al-Qaida terrorist network,” “Osama bin Laden’s right-hand man in Europe,” and “believed by several European countries to be a pivotal figure in international terrorism”—was installed in a safe house by British intelligence. In 1996 and 1997, Qatada met with a British MI5 agent and agreed to become an informant for British intelligence.
Qatada was such a valuable asset the British turned down a request to extradite him to Jordan where he was suspected of participating in a series of car bombings. He was subsequently granted asylum. “Britain had given shelter to one of the fiercest advocates of the global jihad. Abu Qatada lived and breathed the al-Qaeda ideology, issued religious decrees… "